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Celebrating 49 Years since the Service Academy Integration Act
Oct 7, 2024
On October 7, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed Public Law 94-106, known as the "Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Act of 1976". This groundbreaking legislation, often referred to as the Service Academy Integration Act, mandated the admission of women to the US Military Academy, US Naval Academy, and US Air Force Academy, beginning in 1976.
Leading the change, women had joined the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1974 as members of the Class of 1978. In August 1975, the Commandant of the Coast Guard announced women would join the Corps of Cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
As we reflect on nearly five decades of progress, we honor the trailblazing women who broke barriers and proudly claim our place in the Long Blue Line (USAFA), the Long Grey Line (USMA), the Links in the Chain (USNA), the Long Purple Line (USMMA), and the Long Blue Line (USCGA).
Air Force Birthday
Sep 18, 2024
On September 18, the United States Air Force celebrated its 77th birthday, marking its official establishment in 1947 under the National Security Act. Just a year later, in 1948, the Women in the Air Force (WAF) program was introduced, allowing women to serve, though primarily in administrative and support roles. A turning point came in 1976 when the WAF program ended, and women were further integrated as more equal members and the first women were admitted to the Air Force Academy. The path to equality continued in 1991, when Congress lifted the ban on women flying combat missions, with this change taking effect in 1993. By 1994, all combat aircraft roles were formally opened to women, reflecting a significant step toward gender equality. Today, women serve as pilots, engineers, commanders, and in other key roles, highlighting our essential contributions to the Air Force’s mission and the defense of the nation.
Class 2028 March Back - Post 2
Aug 1, 2024
Did you know that the basic cadets no longer use tents in Jack's Valley? They now stay in expandable containers (ConEx), which means no more digging ditches! However, they still had to contend with plenty of dust, wobbly cots, and the challenges at the Obstacle Course, Confidence Course, and Assault Course.
Class 2028 March Back - Post 1
Aug 1, 2024
Four members of the USAFA Women’s executive team joined approximately 200 alumni for the March Back from Jack’s Valley on July 26, 2024. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends during this all-class event. Pictured are most of the participating women as we waited for the march to start.
Class of 2028 Pen Pals
Jul 2, 2024
On Jun 25, 2024 USAFA Women set up a tent at the AOG-sponsored Ice Cream Social to support In-Processing Day for the class of 2028. We collected a lot of names and addresses of women basic cadets in the hope that our community would be willing to write a couple of snail mail notes to a pen pal and give them some encouragement. In the week that followed we put out a call for penpals and got a great response. Thank you for supporting the next generation in the long blue line!
Breaking Barriers: Lt Madison Marsh
Apr 7, 2024
2Lt Madison Marsh, Class of 2023, is crowned Miss America and is the first active duty officer to win the pageant.